So a couple of weeks ago I noticed that my neighborhood is quite dead on weekday mornings. When I looked out my back door around 8:30 or 9:00, I rarely saw anyone around in the alley or the surrounding yards.
What the hell, I thought, and stepped outside totally naked (I don't generally wear clothes around the house, so I was already naked). It was a lovely morning, still cool and breezy and the air felt great on my skin. I looked around again. My yard has chain link fencing, on three sides. There are a lot of trees and shrubs, but I would have been visible from at least five other yards plus the alley if anyone were looking.
I stepped back inside and picked up my recycling basket. Our trash and recycling is picked up from the alley that runs behind our houses. It's about 50 feet from the door to the trash cans, and I took a deep breath and stepped out again. This might seem tame to some, but I got quite a thrill walking out to the back fence and back. I admit I walked pretty fast, but I didn't run.
I made it back without incident and felt a great little buzz of adrenaline. This has now become my morning routine. I've decided not to do it on weekends when there is more activity in the neighborhood. People are up and outdoors early and I'm not that daring.
So that's how I've started being naked in unusual circumstances. I'm going to see if I can manage some more "moments" and if I can keep up with blogging about them. I might include some pics later too, we'll see. . .
That's all for now - just the beginning.